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Accelerating AdTech integration…

Accelerating AdTech integration…

The impact of AdTech & the implications of programmatic OOH for clients has been both swiftly & widely adopted, revolutionising the immediacy with which clients can react & adapt.

Client’s curiosity is intensifying, albeit as part of their continued review of media efficiency, but DOOH’s evolution & investment has come back with renewed strength. For this sector, & some operators, these developments are long overdue.

Integrating new technologies that deliver greater efficiency & impact to marketing objectives, & align to brand strategy will always be welcome, but as ever, ‘just because you can doesn’t mean you should’ so it remains an enabler for ideas, not the base ideas are generated from.

Technologies within LED screens & the imaginations of creative teams, not only deliver impact in-situ but travel globally via social media, a great partnership, one we are seeing grow more & more. Japan £d Skinjuku cat is a great example

Diversiffi Media is an independent commercialisation & business development agency, building marketing strategies, securing commercial partnerships & advising on AdTech integration

Never leave opportunities unexplored...........

There’s a sense of renewed energy swirling about which moves ideas forward

Many businesses & clients are revisiting ideas & potential revenues opportunities which have been left on the table because they don’t have the resources, time or the expertise to bring them to fruition,
From our client’s perspective, removing a niggling pressure is a huge relief, letting them turn their attention to other parts of the business. We own the problem/business issue, deliver against agreed KPI’s, & make things happen, both as a standalone or collaborating with existing suppliers.

Projects ranging from leading product launches, developing new revenues streams, bringing a more dynamic approach to creativity, &/or creating bespoke commercial partnerships that have the power and scale for sustainable growth

The market is moving again, now is the time to revisit ideas & get curious as to what could be…if you’ve left potential business concept behind, let's see if they are viable…

Accelerating AdTECH integration…

The impact of AdTech & the implications of programmatic OOH for clients has been both swiftly & widely adopted, revolutionising the immediately with which clients can react & adapt.

We are seeing our clients curiosity intensifying, albeit as part of their continued review of media efficiency, as DOOH’s evolution & investment comes back with renewed strength. For this sector, & some operators, these developments are long overdue, many have been forced to play catch up, adjusting to changes their client are expecting in delivering campaign efficiencies.

As new platforms enter the market, for clients direct, ensure you evaluate according to your customer base & marketing/media strategy aligning potential platform partners ‘ingredients’ align with your audience expectations & measurable needs.

For media vendors, keep your own estate front of mind, audience, environments & locations along with your business model, then make your decision. You can make additions at a later date

Diversiffi Media is an independent marketing strategy & commercial development consultancy, building marketing strategies, securing commercial partnerships & advising on AdTECH integration
Do contact us for any assistance 

The Takeaways and Impact for programmatic OOH

The takeaways and impact for programmatic OOH following the ISBA/PwC Programmatic Supply Chain Transparency Study 

Most will recall Mark Prichard, P&G, landmark speech back in Jan ’17 to prioritise transparency and control on digital media. Following the publication of IBSA/PwC ISBA/PwC Programmatic Supply Chain Transparency Study, many are questioning how much has changed.

To summarise, ISBA commissioned PwC to understand the flow of money from the advertiser down to the publisher. They engaged with15 of the UK’s largest advertisers with a combined annual media investment of £800 million, 10% of which is spent programmatically.

The headline of this research, which took 2 years to complete, reports that only 51% of money ends up with the publishers, with 49% taken in the delivery process. Much of this will be legitimate & add value to the media buy, however, it also reports 15% cannot be accounted for, termed “Unknown delta”

Programmatic is without question complex, but it comes with the promise to simplify the buying process, to allow flexibility, agility & accelerate display, all key elements in the proliferation of Digital Out of Home (DOOH)

The success, development and growth of programmatic OOH has the advantages of learning from the pitfalls of programmatic display. It is critical that none of these issues are replicated nor imported. The sector has such an opportunity to help client/agencies navigate the ecosystem, and remove any transferred doubt from programmatic display

Not dissimilar to programmatic display, OOH needs to accelerate the standardisation of practices, compliance and terminology. The prerequisite for clarification on language is so needed to bring a joined-up approach, both across developed markets and less mature markets. The opportunity to nip confusion in the bud is in the here and now.

Revenue transparency should be much less of an issue in the OOH market. Whilst there are fewer players in the supply chain, many don’t charge commissions on the buy side, so the start is good and strengthens trust. However, a commonality must be agreed upon.

Transparency on data is also worth mentioning. With Route in the UK, Geopath in the US & many more recognised audiences measurement bodies forming the campaign audience foundation, many data sets are overlaid to further drill down on the targeted audience. It remains essential that the introduction of other data sources are clean, clear knowledge of the origin, with an understanding of the collection methodology to guarantee data has not been corrupted.

Accountability on programmatic OOH is simplified with most operators reporting campaign detail through accessible dashboards. From actual frames, environments, time of day through to attribution. As Jean-Christophe Conte of VIOOH says “Due to the nature of the OOH environment, there is little chance of audience fraud, so issues that plague display such as bots are not applicable. We work hard to use a base currency of impressions - either viewed or viewable - applying a methodology authorised by industry bodies wherever possible to ensure we are delivering impressions against the audiences agreed”

There are multiple platforms in existence in Programmatic OOH, independent platforms, Vistar Media, Hivestack; media owner platforms Dax, VIOOH; & specialist platforms, all with differing systems. so collaboration is key in driving programmatic OOH forward in firstly setting standardisation & language. I don’t believe OOH has the issues of programmatic display but we cannot allow any disruptions as we are so forewarned.

We have the opportunity to create phenomenal programmatic success & growth, either by the market or globally with the right industry body/s in place, and to accelerate programmatic OOH usage and platform integration, the future is extremely exciting

Fantastic summary of the ISBA/PwC report on #Mediasnack